We are dedicated to safeguarding and protecting the privacy and security of our customers. We are committed to protecting your online privacy. You can find below our privacy guidelines to improve the quality of your service and inform about how the information we collect is used.

We gather information about you.

You must be aware of the types of information that we collect. We will collect your email address, as in addition to other information such as name, address, company name cities and codes postal code, telephone number. The information that we collect is gathered by a variety methods. Cookies are the first method used to collect, store and store non-personally identifiable information. Personal identifiable data could be defined as specific information about an individual, such as your credit card numbers or bank accounts. The information you provide is unique to you.

Information can be utilized in a variety of ways

The same information shouldn\’t be entered more than once.

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Ordering and registration:

If you sign up when you register, we\’ll ask for your name address, billing and shipping addresses, phone number and your email address. We may also request your credit card number. If you are required to select your country We will abide by the laws in force. These types information are collected in order to manage your bill and complete your purchase. It is also possible to use them to notify customers of your store or website. It is also possible to be used to market your site internally. If we experience any issues during the process of your purchase, we\’ll notify you using the information we have collected.

Email Addresses

Subscribe to the newsletters and receive exclusive discounts. We will contact you when you participate in any contest.

3. Privacy Protection

We do not rent, sell or give away personal information in the course of our business procedures. We employ the most sophisticated encryption technology. All employees must sign confidentiality agreements which prohibit employees from divulging any information to anyone else.